Une Vision du Monde
Step into the Void - Aiguille du Midi, France.
Bonjour! Have you ever felt like you were on top of the world? I have - and I was.
In September 2024, I attended a stellar writing retreat hosted by Foreword Retreats in the French Alps. For one week, I lived in a mountain chalet in Chamonix with sixteen women writers from across the United States. Each morning, we met and workshopped with bestselling novelists, Christina Baker Kline and Paula McLain. We explored prologues, suspense, and what makes good writing good. Kline and McLain are generous, supportive, and talented writers - if you have not read their work, you simply must. Whatever your genre of choice may be, you will carry away just as many valuable tidbits on craft as you will pocket a newfound confidence in process. In fact, your entire world view may change as you take the risk and “step into the void.”
Headed to Chamonix? Journey up the Aiguille du Midi. At 3,842 meters high, you will witness stunning views of the Mont Blanc massif. You might even give a warrior’s yawp. I did.
À bientôt -