Molly’s Adventure

Molly hit the town on Saturday, March 1 at the SWFL Reading Festival. It was a bluebird day, and hundreds of families flocked to the Fort Myers Regional Library to meet visiting authors. I, myself, had the privilege of meeting Jean Kwok (Girl in Translation; The Leftover Woman; Searching for Sylvie Lee; Mambo in Chinatown). She reminded me a bit of Molly - Jean survived and overcame a difficult childhood by discovering her own wings. Jean Kwok has flown into a successful career, and in addition to writing her books, she shares her time with other aspiring writers and fans.

Molly settled in nicely with other local authors from the Gulf Coast Writers Association. I encouraged her debut with some free cookies and eye-catching baskets for the book lovers wandering around the festival. Molly met some wonderful children, like Bobby, Alfred, and Luca. She became a gift for a young woman’s 1-year-old niece, Vivianna, and she joined the future classroom of soon-to-be educator, Bryanna. Molly was also thrilled to fly into the hands of a teacher from Tice Elementary School who has a whole crew of little bird lovers.

For everyone who stopped by to say hello and support Molly, we thank you! It was a wonderful day, and Molly is looking forward to flying in again next year.


Happy Book Birthday!